Neurofeedback is a state-of-the-art approach for training the brain to function more efficiently through operant conditioning. This non-invasive modality has been well researched and proven to be an effective treatment. Neurofeedback may be thought of as a kind of exercise for the brain: a retraining of the way the brain organizes itself. When the brain is out of balance, people can experience a wide range of problems that affect learning, mood, sleep, concentration, and behavior. Neurofeedback training brings these problems gradually back into balance.
During neurofeedback sessions, an individual receives instantaneous information (feedback) about whether the brain is moving towards or away from optimal function. When it is moving towards optimal functioning, it is rewarded with a visual and/or auditory stimulus. Over the course of treatment, the brain is able to learn and retain better overall functionality.
We utilize long standing methods of neurofeedback such as qEEG guided EEG neurofeedback that have up to 35 years of research support. In addition to these proven methods, BiofeedbackWORKS supplements treatment with innovative methods such as qEEG guided 19 channel surface, LORETA, and z-score training. Your neurofeedback session may include one or more of these modalities:

- One-, two-, four-, and other multichannel protocols such as z-score, amplitude, Infra-Slow Fluctuation (ISF), and Alpha/theta with BrainMaster and AVATAR technologies.
- LENS (Low Energy Neurofeedback System) – which measures the strongest frequency at various sites over the brain and briefly feeds back a slightly altered signal. Over time, brainwave patterns associated with poor functioning change to a more optimal configuration.
- LORETA (Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography) – a new form of neurofeedback that targets the EEG patterns of deeper brain structures. With LORETA, the therapist is shown the source of the EEG activity in three dimensions revealing abnormalities of deeper structures and networks of the brain. The EEG activity of the deep structures can be compared to a database and utilized for z-score or amplitude training in the same manner as surface EEG.
- HEG (pIR Hemoencephalography) – an indirect measure of blood flow over the prefrontal cortex and an indicator of neural activity. Training to increase brain activity at the prefrontal cortex is associated with improvements in attention and reductions in anxiety. It is also used to treat migraine headaches.
- Vielight – a photobiomodulation device which heightens gamma and alpha waves. Benefits of this revolutionary device include improved focus, increased memory encoding, heightened calmness and meditation.

To review the research on neurofeedback, visit our Research & Resources page. To learn how to get started with neurofeedback training, see Our Process. If you are interested in receiving neurofeedback services, please call or Contact Us