Lyme disease is known to be spread by ticks, especially the deer tick. The disease can affect many body systems including the brain and nervous system. Lyme symptoms can endure and worsen without proper treatment. Neurofeedback, while not a treatment of Lyme disease itself, can help alleviate certain brain and nervous system related symptoms that come with the disease.
Neurofeedback can help with impacts of Lyme disease that include but are not limited to fatigue, headache, sensitivity to light, memory impairment, mood fluctuation, and brain fog.
Lyme symptoms can increase sensitivity such as light sensitivity, or instability in mood and anxiety etc. Neurofeedback and general biofeedback training can help the brain stabilize and better manage its response to triggers that cause discomfort. While stressors can be identified, they cannot always be avoided. Neurofeedback and general biofeedback training increase the brain’s stamina which can mean the difference of being able to go to school, go to work, keep a job, participate in family activities, or simply function in today’s world.
Neither Lyme symptom onset nor intensity affects the brain’s ability to improve functioning with Neurofeedback training. We adapt treatment plans to customize training to allow for individual needs and tolerances. To do this we employ the Quantitative Electroencephalogram (qEEG or quantitative brain map). This gives us a picture of a client’s brain wave activity, so we can pinpoint imbalances that perpetuate the symptoms. We then tailor our protocols to target those specific areas.
Conventional interventions include antibiotics such as doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil or intravenous antibiotics. While neurofeedback in no way replaces such treatment, it can often help to get the brain back to a better functioning state. Moreover, after treatment, some people still have some symptoms, such as brain fog and fatigue. The cause of these continuing symptoms, known as post-Lyme disease syndrome, is unknown, and treating with more antibiotics doesn’t help.
Just as there can be many symptoms related to Lyme, here at BiofeedbackWORKS we employ a wide range of treatment modalities to provide relief for our clients. We include both neurofeedback and general biofeedback training in our treatment approach to fatigue, headaches, mood fluctuations and more. Since Lyme is so complex, we recognize that it may take a multi-pronged approach to address ensuing symptoms.
A noninvasive approach such as neurofeedback training includes: multichannel Z-score, S-Loretta, LENS, HEG (hemoencephalography), and pRoshi. These modalities are used to teach the brain to react more fluidly to internal and external stimuli as well as to adjust as needed. The brain, therefore, learns to adapt to variable environments. The result, for the client, is a often a substantial decrease or elimination of symptoms.
Neurofeedback training gives the brain feedback to help it return to a baseline of function. Healing this type of fragile brain is based on targeted protocols (Z-scores and S-Loretta) in order to stabilize internal structures. It also helps to create optimum communication between networks and areas of the brain. In addition, we use Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS) for healing brain injuries, which is a very effective intervention.
Treatment varies depending on the client and all the predisposed factors that make up the individual. We are optimistic that 40 sessions will show very positive outcomes.