Autism, which is sometimes called living on the spectrum, may also include experiencing issues of heightened sensory as well as other challenges for children, adults, family, friends, educators, and employers. At BiofeedbackWORKS, we embrace this population because we know we have the ability to help make their lives better. We have had success with clients in reducing symptoms such as sensitivities to environment, noise, and food as well as irritability, intolerance, obsessive thinking, hyper-focus and attention issues.
Neurofeedback changes the brain in ways that enhance social awareness and reduce anxiety, which in turn allows our clients to move forward through life’s challenges. When a child becomes calmed and engaged enough to participate with others, a huge leap toward being able to find his/her place in the world has been achieved. We strive for these successes because we know how important one successful play date can be in the life of a child. By becoming more socially aware and empathetic to others, older clients with autism may experience more positive social, educational and work experiences. In some cases, gains made through neurofeedback training have given clients enough independence to advance into more diverse learning situations or workplace environments.

Neurofeedback training does not require clients to have any special skills in order to be effective. They only need to have visual or auditory awareness. In other words, training can occur regardless of the client’s cognitive ability. For training to be successful, the client needs only to be present and available to participate in the neurofeedback process. We use state-of-art neurofeedback training options such as S-Loretta, multichannel Z-scored training, pRoshi, HEG (hemoencephalography), and LENS.