Testimonials – Biofeedback, Neurofeedback & Counseling Services
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“I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how well I’m doing and how much I appreciate everything you’ve done for me… I know that the neurotherapy saved me last year but you were the one who had the lasting impact…
You have had the largest impact on my life of any professional I’ve seen. I’m grateful every day for what you’ve given me. The skills you gave me have let me have a wonderful Christmas, best in years…I hope the new year brings you wonderful things.”
̶ A.
I am a woman in my late fifties who was struggling with lack of concentration, zero motivation and fatigue. My job is stressful and I was developing symptoms of burnout. In addition I was also troubled by mild spurts of “road rage” in my daily commute. After several months of biofeedback therapy, I can say with certainty that all of these issues have been somewhat mitigated. My ability to concentrate has improved tremendously. I have much more energy and am more successful at sticking to a plan and achieving objectives. In addition, I am a much more laid-back driver. None of this was instantaneous. It’s not an overnight process. It is only in looking back at where I was and where I am now that the progress can be measured. I had tried medical doctors, traditional therapy and medication. As the name says, Biofeedback works. As a bonus, Joan Ordmandy is an astute therapist in her own right with a sharp mind and an empathic, intuitive soul. She gets to the heart of a person and their issues while she is helping them help themselves with biofeedback. I am very grateful.
̶ F.
“My 14-year-old son has severe ADHD. We had tried every medicine available to deal with his ADHD. All of the medications had awful side effects, some of them increasing his anxiety until he had to be hospitalized. Finally, we settled on Vyvanse as the side effects were the least offensive of all the other medications that we had tried. On Vyvanse, C. developed trichotillomania (skin picking disorder). He compulsively picked and bit at his fingers, arms, and even feet, sometimes until he was bleeding and there were bloodstains on his clothes. This caused him severe distress, and I know that it negatively impacted his social relationships and his schoolwork. His ADHD coach, Dr. Marcia McKinley (with Psych Ed Coaches and BiofeedbackWorks), recommended that we try neurofeedback and specifically, low-energy neurofeedback system (LENS). We live so far away that more traditional forms of neurofeedback, which require several visits per week, would not be realistic; C. could do LENS just once a week on Saturdays, adjacent to his coaching session with Dr. Marcia. After just one LENS session, C.’s skin-picking had been reduced by at least 75%. After two sessions, his body was completely clear, and he isn’t picking at all. C. says that it is also getting easier for him to pay attention in school in the afternoons, when his medications have worn off. I don’t know how LENS works, but I know for sure that it does, and C. and I are very grateful that we found it!”
̶ Mother of C.
“I have bipolar disorder and ADHD. This gives me a lot of problems in paying attention in school and focusing on getting my homework done. My moods vary between anger, which scares other people, and sadness, which scares everyone. Sometimes I just want to play video games to hide from school and my family. After neurotherapy, I feel lighter, happier, and more in control of my moods. My school was ready to kick me out because my anger scared them so much, but now I am back in school. I’m also able to concentrate more on my work, both at school and home; I can even remember to get work done without my parents reminding me. My grades have gone up by a lot since I started neurotherapy. Plus, Dawn is really easy to talk with and give me good suggestions on how to work with my parents and teachers.”
̶ S.
“My daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy and ADHD. Medication controlled the seizures. However, she had difficulty in school with concentrating and staying on task. My husband and I refused to put her on medication for ADHD as well as seizure medication. No one knows the long term effects of combined medications and she is so young [8 years old]. After the first 20 sessions of neurofeedback we saw improvement in her school work. She was able to remember what she was learning. She brought her grades up in school. Instead of masking the problem with prescription drugs we have worked to correct the issue with this non-invasive treatment. At our last appointment with her neurologist we were told her EEG was normal and she no longer needed medication for seizures. Now she is totally medication free! Best of all our daughter’s confidence has soared and she has started school with such enthusiasm. This has been one of the best decisions we have made.”
̶ B. (Excerpt)
“I found BiofeedbackWorks through a friend, who had told me that neurofeedback helped to relieve her anxiety. At the time, I had physical custody of my 17-year-old son, who has bipolar disorder. Trying to balance his needs with my demanding work schedule was very stressful. I found myself snapping at my son and at colleagues, unable to sleep, and constantly on edge. I originally started taking him in for neurotherapy, but after seeing the difference that it made for him, I began trying it myself. Both of us have found that our conflicts have dramatically reduced in frequency and intensity since begin neurotherapy. He seems happier, and his moods are more even-keeled. I am able to take a step back once conflicts begin and to not react immediately in anger. All of these changes have resulted in a much more positive household atmosphere. Thanks, for helping me to gain the skills to build a better relationship with my son.”
̶ K.
“Thank you for all your help. As you know, I started neurotherapy with you to deal with my problems with anger management. I have seen drastic improvements in that area. I am no longer so irritable as I once was and am able to step back from difficult situations and think before automatically reacting. As a result, my relationship with my wife and son have improved. However, neurotherapy has had many unexpected benefits in my life. My productivity at work has gone through the roof: I have had several months during which I have written more than 90,000 lines of code during one month. I have been doing the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzles for years. While they used to take me a full week to complete, I now blaze through them in just a few hours. Even my guitar playing has improved. I, and everyone in my life, thanks you for all you have done.”
̶ H.
I started neurofeedback and counseling sessions in May 2010 – the combination of neurofeedback and counseling sessions was the stepping stone – the only thing that ever seemed to work and pull me out of my deep depression and substance abuse issues with alcohol. I had tried to seek out a number of therapists in the past, as well as trying several different medications for my ADD, anxiety, and severe depression but nothing ever seemed to relieve my symptoms.
Prior to going to BFW in May 2010, I was praying for a miracle. I was so depressed I couldn’t function, it was hard for me to get out of bed…and difficult for me to make friends and live a “normal” college life.
I am now back at college continuing to get my degree (with a minor in Psychology) as well as working and supporting myself. I have not had a sip of alcohol since July 2010.
Finding a therapist like Joan was a dream come true, and she has helped me stand up, deal with my issues and hurt, and grow as a person over the past year. Joan is very special to me …she continues to help me deal with my issues. Joan has been the only therapist I have bonded with and is one in which I can feel that she isn’t just a therapist listening to my problems – it’s the fact that she truly cares about me and understands. She is an amazing and brilliant woman, as she has – and always will have a special place in my heart.
̶ G.
I started neurotherapy after my primary-care doctor recommended that I get electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for my ongoing depression. I had been on a variety of anti-depressants and in therapy for over 10 years, but was stuck. I was in an awful job and an abusive marriage, but I didn’t have the strength to get out. My therapist and I both thought that ECT would not be a good solution for me; at the same time, a friend happened to mention neurotherapy. I had never heard of it before, but thought that if I was in such a bad situation that ECT was on the table, anything else was worth a try.
I’m so glad that I did! Within several weeks of beginning neurotherapy, I was in a much better emotional place than I had been in years. My anxiety lessened and I was able to get out of the house more often to try new things, including looking for a better job and finding a safer home environment. I can also bounce back from difficult situations more easily than I could before. I was gradually able to taper down on all my psychotropic medications. My psychiatrist is amazed. I cannot thank Joan and her staff enough for helping to alleviate my distress and bringing out the best in my brain, so that I can have the life I had dreamed of.
̶ W.
“When I first started neurofeedback, I was having panic attacks when I drove. I would call my husband from the highway and beg him to stay on the phone with me “just until the next exit.” Of course, at the next exit, I would say “just one more.” Needless to say, this was very hard on him (especially when I interrupted his meetings!) and our marriage. The therapist at BFW could see my distress at our first session and immediately fit me into their calendar. Seventeen neurofeedback sessions later, I had to call the office to apologize for being late: I had become so relaxed while driving that I had gone on autopilot and completely missed my exit. I recommend neurofeedback to everyone now. It saved me and my marriage.”
̶ L.