“Some days I’m on top of my game. Some days I shouldn’t even come off the bench.” Anyone who has played any sport, performed in public, or been in charge of anything can relate to that quote. Some days just seem better than others. At BiofeedbackWORKS, our goal is to give people more “good” days.
Some individuals take games/sports much more seriously than others. They are not looking to simply have a good time. They are looking for consistency. One day a golfer finishes three strokes under par. The next day they are four strokes over. One day someone playing slow-pitch consistently gets on base. The next day they continually strike out. These are indicators that while some individuals have the capacity to excel, some days their brains are “working against them.” This can prove to be frustrating, since negative thinking, self doubt, and lack of positive expectations contribute to a down-hill trajectory.

While there can be any number of physical and emotional reasons contributing to someone’s performance, at BiofeedbackWORKS we mitigate the problems caused by ineffective brain function. Professionals, amateurs and weekend athletes have all found doing neurofeedback rewarding.
Brain Function:
Research indicates that neurofeedback does increase I.Q. and maintain level of I.Q, by keeping brain networks working like a well-oiled machine. When brain function falters, it is often “life” that is the cause. When it is difficult or impossible to get back on track the brain needs re-direction.
An elite performer is operating at a level above the normed group, so we recognize that training to a “normed” population is not always the goal for peak performance. We train the brain based on an extensive interview, intake and assessment to target the behavior that is most intrusive to the expected level of success.
Peak Performance Training is helping your brain “be all that it can be.” At BiofeedbackWORKS, we know that neurofeedback training is not limited to specific issues that inhibit function such as head trauma, ADHD, psychological trauma or migraines. We also help clients who are functioning at high levels of competency by “fine tuning” their brain function, resulting in reportedly much better scores/performances.
An elite athlete, corporate executive, concert musician, or other professional experiences pressure and fatigue over a lifetime. Wear and tear on the brain’s ability to cope with stressful situations can cause resistance to change, inflexibility and impulsive reactions. When we feel that the world is changing around us or that our abilities have decreased over time, is there anything you can do? No matter at what level you begin, neurofeedback can help you optimize your function.
Just as a mechanic might hook your car engine up to a computer to assess trouble areas, we use Quantitative Electroencephalography (qEEG) assessments to determine which areas of the brain might not be operating at optimum levels. We then target those areas, providing the brain with feedback, training it to operate more efficiently. In a sense, we help your brain “get in the zone”…. and stay there. Upon leaving one of his neurofeedback sessions, one golfer said “I’ve taken three strokes off my game. Whatever you do, don’t tell any of my buddies about this!”
Neurofeedback training cannot necessarily turn anyone into a “super star.” But it can…and DOES…allow people to operate at their best.